來源:Hellokid在線英語 丨 2019-12-10 17:26:36
No.1 The Very Hungry Caterpillar 好餓的毛毛蟲
No.2 Goodnight Moon 晚安月亮
No.3 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? 棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你看到什么?
No.4 Guess How Much I Love You 猜猜我有多愛你
No.5 The Rainbow Fish 彩虹魚
No.6 Corduroy 小熊可杜羅
No.7 The Snowy Day 下雪天
No.8 The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise 逃家小兔
No.9 Green Eggs and Ham 綠雞蛋和火腿
No.10 The Polar Express 極地特快
No.11 The Cat in the Hat 戴帽子的貓
No.12 Where the Wild Things Are 野獸家園
No.13 Love You Forever 永遠愛你
No.14 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 亞歷山大和糟糕的一天
No.15 The Mitten 小手套
No.16 Stellaluna 星月書:蝙蝠的故事
No.17 Oh, The Places You'll Go 噢,你將去的地方
No.18 Strega Nona 巫婆奶奶
No.19 The Velveteen Rabbit 絨布小兔子
No.20 How the Grinch Stole Christmas 圣誕怪杰
No.21 The True Story of the Three Little Pigs 三只小豬的真實故事
No.22 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom 嘰喀嘰喀碰碰
No.23 The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh 小熊維尼
No.24 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie 要是你給老鼠吃餅干
No.25 The Lorax 羅拉克斯
No.26 Amazing Grace 格蕾絲冒險記
No.27 Jumanji 勇敢者游戲
No.28 Math Curse 數(shù)學(xué)魔咒
No.29 Are You My Mother? 你是我的媽媽嗎?
No.30 The Napping House 打瞌睡的房子
No.31 Sylvester and the Magic Pebble 西爾威斯特和魔法石
No.32 The Tale of Peter Rabbit 彼得兔的故事
No.33 Horton Hatches the Egg 霍頓孵蛋
No.34 Basil of Baker Street 老鼠偵探
No.35 The Little Engine That Could 冒煙的小火車
No.36 Curious George 好奇的喬治
No.37 Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge 威威找記憶
No.38 Arthur series 亞瑟小子系列
No.39 Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse 莉莉的紫色小皮包
No.40 The Little House 小房子
No.41 Amelia Bedelia 糊涂的艾麗爾
No.42 The Art Lesson 藝術(shù)課
No.43 Caps for Sale 賣帽子
No.44 Clifford, the Big Red Dog 大紅狗克利福德
No.45 The Paper Bag Princess 紙袋公主
No.46 Horton Hears a Who 霍頓聽到呼呼的聲音
No.47 Make Way for Ducklings 讓路給小鴨子
No.48 One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish 一條魚,兩條魚,紅色的魚,藍色的魚
No.49 Charlotte's Web 夏洛特的網(wǎng)
No.50 Hatchet 手斧男孩
No.51 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe 獅子,女巫和魔衣櫥(納尼亞傳奇)
No.52 Bridge to Terabithia 仙境之橋
No.53 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 查理和巧克力工廠
No.54 A Wrinkle in Time 時間的皺紋
No.55 Shiloh 小狗夏伊洛
No.56 Little House on the Prarie 草原上的小屋
No.57 The Secret Garden 秘密花園
No.58 The Boxcar Children 棚車少年
No.59 Sarah, Plain and Tall 樸素又高大的莎拉
No.60 The Indian in the Cupboard 魔柜小奇兵
No.61 Island of the Blue Dolphins 藍色海豚島
No.62 Maniac Magee 瘋狂麥基
No.63 The BFG 好心眼的巨人
No.64 The Giver 記憶傳授人
No.65 James and the Giant Peach: A Children's Story l 詹姆斯和仙桃巨人
No.66 Little House in the Big Woods 大森林里的小房子
No.67 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry 黑色棉花田
No.68 Stone Fox 石狐
No.69 Number the Stars 數(shù)星星
No.70 Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh 弗里斯比夫人和尼姆的老鼠
No.71 The Best Christmas Pageant Ever 好的圣誕大游行
No.72 Matilda 瑪?shù)贍栠_
No.73 Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing 四年級的故事
No.74 Ramona Quimby, Age 8 拉蒙納八歲
No.75 The Trumpet of the Swan 真愛伴鵝行
No.76 The Chronicles of Narnia 納吉尼亞傳奇
No.77 The Phantom Tollbooth 收費亭里的幽靈
No.78 Tuck Everlasting 不老泉
No.79 Anne of Green Gables 綠山墻的安妮
No.80 The Great Gilly Hopkins 養(yǎng)女基里
No.81 Little House books 小小龍書齋
No.82 Sideways Stories from Wayside School 路邊學(xué)校
No.83 Harriet the Spy 間諜哈瑞特
No.84 A Light in the Attic 閣樓上的光
No.85 Mr. Popper's Penguins 波普先生的企鵝
No.86 My Father's Dragon 爸爸的小龍
No.87 Stuart Little 精靈鼠小弟
No.88 Walk Two Moons 印地安人的麂皮靴
No.89 The Witch of Blackbird Pond 黑鳥湖畔的女巫
No.90 The Watsons Go to Birmingham:1963 沃森一家去伯明翰:1963
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